Legends of Runeterra is an upcoming card game that is currently being developed by Riot Games for both PC and Mobile platforms. The game is currently in its first closed beta testing phase which began on October 15th, 2019 which coincided with the tenth anniversary of the poplar Riot Games MOBA League of Legends.

What Is LoR And How To Play It

Legends of Runeterra is a card game that is heavily based on the game League of Legends. In it, players can choose their regions and champions and construct unique decks in order to battle their opponents. Each deck can only consist out of 40 cards and a maximum of two different regions. Each player gets their own Nexus with 20 health which they are tasked with protecting while trying to destroy the enemies Nexus.

Every round starts with players drawing four cards which they can choose to either keep or replace and at the start of each round, players mana pool will increase by one. It is important to note that players can save up a total of three mana points from their previous turn and use it at a later point in time.

During each round, one player will be attacking and the other will be defending. Both players can then choose which units they want to summon using their mana as well as choose a spell card to cast. The units that are on the attacking side are known as attackers and those on the defending side are known as blockers. At the end of the round, the roles change and the whole cycle repeats itself.

Regions in LoR

There are six regions in total that players can choose from. Each region focuses on a different playing style and has different mechanics such as buffing your units, evading and misleading the enemy or focusing on mana and spells. Players can only choose champions from two different regions so choosing those that fit your playstyle and focusing your deck around them is extremely important.


Demacia is a region that centers around units and armies. It focuses on buffing them by increasing their attack power and health and greatly relies on strength in unit numbers which when used to your advantage can make even the weakest of units a real threat. Champions of Demacia include Lucian, Fiora, Lux, and Garen.

Read the full Legends Of Runeterra Demacia Guide


Freljord is a region that mostly focuses on crowd control and mana usage. It is a very effective option for players who wish to deal with late-game threats more easily and manage their mana well. Champions of Freljord are Braum, Ashe, Anivia, and Tryndamere.

Read the full Legends of Runeterra Freljord Guide


As a region, Ionia heavily revolves around various different mechanics that can be used to outsmart and gain the upper hand when fighting against your enemies. Champions of Ionia are Zed, Yasuo, Shen, and Karma.

Read the full Legends Of Runeterra Ionia Guide


One of the regions that more aggressive players gravitate towards is definitely Noxus. This due to the fact that Noxus mostly focuses on the attack power and thus is considered to be the most aggressive region of all. Noxus champions include Draven, Katarina, Vladimir, and Darius.

Read the full Legends Of Runeterra Noxus Guide

Piltover and Zaun Piltover & Zaun

This region is for those who favor magic and spells. As such, Piltover & Zaun benefit the most from spells no matter if they are used to summon other units or to attack. Piltover & Zaun champions are currently Teemo, Ezreal, Jinx and Heimerdinger.

Shadow IslesShadow Isles

Shadow Isles is a region with the gameplay that is centered around offering your units as a sacrifice in order to gain better control over the battlefield. Shadow Isles champions are Elise, Kalista, Thresh, and Hecarim.

Read the full Legends Of Runeterra Shadow Isles Guide

Legends of Runeterra Top Decks

With so many cards, champions and regions to choose from, when it comes to deck construction, the possibilities are endless. However, there are those that are better than others.

Read the full Legends Of Runeterra Card Basics Guide

Anivia and Tryndamere Deck

This deck is a control deck from the Freljord and Shadow Isles region. The champions that this deck centers around are Tryndamere and Anivia. The advantages of this deck come from the Shadow Isles region which can provide you with abilities that can clear the board very quickly while using Anivia and other cards to bring back your own units thus giving you an advantage over your opponent. This is a late-game deck and is one of the currently most powerful decks that you can make.

Yasuo Deck

This deck purely revolves around having Yasuo as your trump card while using other cards and units to provide support for him. In this deck, you want to have a lot of stuns and recall abilities which make Yasuo extremely powerful once he levels up. The idea here is to stall the game as long as you can until your Yasuo levels up, then use stuns on enemy minions which make Yasuo deal large amounts of damage to them. That way, you can easily clear your opponent’s side of the board.